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FPU New Student ID Cards

FPU ID cards are available to new incoming students. Please submit the form below and upload a current photo of yourself.

Photo Guidelines:

  • Please submit a “head and shoulders” photo of yourself.
  • No full body images will be accepted.
  • Photo should be recent (within the last 6 months).
  • Your face must be visible. No masks or heavy face/costume paint.
  • No sunglasses.
  • No hats.
  • Only you should be in the picture. No pets. No footballs. No Friends.
  • A solid background preferable.

Incoming students may pick up their new student ID card during On-Campus Orientation and/or stop by the Campus Life Office to have their picture taken. If you have any questions, please call the Campus Life office at (559) 453-2073.

One file only.
3 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png.