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Ministry Opportunities

On-Campus Ministries

Whether it’s through your dorm, athletic team, College Hour, a club, or another small group on campus, we encourage students to take advantage of the ministry opportunities on campus. Through these activities students are encouraged to get to know God, experience accountability and discipleship, and take part in leadership. On-campus ministry opportunities typically include:

  • Latino/a fellowship and Bible study opportunities
  • Campus wide worship and Bible study opportunities
  • Dorm Bible studies facilitated by resident assistants
  • Media creation service opportunities

Local Ministries

FPU is proud to lead and partner with local ministries doing excellent work in our community. Local ministry opportunities typically include:

  • After-school programs
  • Conflict mediations
  • Ministry to the at-risk, abused, homeless, or previously incarcerated women with children
  • Refugee and immigrant ministry
  • Ministry to the intellectually and developmentally disabled

Sunbird Food Pantry

Colorful cans and boxes of prepared food line the shelves at the Sunbird Pantry, 4847 E. Heaton Ave., located in the garage of a university-owned house at the main FPU campus. This is the latest chapter of a story that opened in a closet across the street in the Office of Spiritual Formation, where staff and students were called to respond to students who had to choose between buying textbooks or food.

First into the breach was Maria Mejia-Ng, then an FPU international student from Nicaragua. With six cans of food and a hopeful name—Loaves and Fishes—she and some friends began distributing whatever food they could collect.

  • The pantry is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12 pm to 4 pm, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:40 pm to 4 pm.
  • The pantry is staffed by student volunteers.

Find the Sunbird Food Pantry

Global Ministries

Opportunities for global missions offer students experiences like no other. Students can spend a week, a summer, or even a year learning to serve Christ across cultures. Global ministry opportunities have included

  • Week-long trips to the border to consider issues of peace and justice
  • Summer-long over-seas mission trips to places like Guatemala, Russia, Brazil, Serbia, and Honduras.
  • Year-long cross-cultural immersion experiences which encourage international reconciliation and peacemaking.
  • Year-long study abroad opportunities

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry offers a variety of programs for FPU’s female students. These programs provide opportunities to fellowship with one another and to grow in Christ. They include, but are not limited to, Women’s Retreats and Women’s Worship Nights. These events aim to challenge our students in their self-confidence, in their capabilities and in their walk with Christ.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry offers a variety of programs aimed at challenging male students and inspiring growth in the areas of character, identity and servant hood. Some of these programs include weekly bible studies and men’s retreats. Man Camp is a retreat in which students get away and spend time “unplugged” from technology in order to build community and hear from experienced and engaging speakers.

Birdfeed & Mountain Top

Birdfeed is a weekly campus-wide evening gathering. While each week varies in focus and format students are always offered a place to worship, learn, and respond. On the last week of the month, Birdfeed is replaced by Mountain Top which offers an extended time of worship.

For more information about Residence Life events you may contact the Residence Life office at reslife@fresno.edu